Thompson center serial number date
Thompson center serial number date

  1. Thompson center serial number date how to#
  2. Thompson center serial number date serial#

Note that the online claims process is not currently available, but may return in the future.ĭoNotPay Helps You Quickly & Easily Claim T/C Rebates

  • Allow at least 8-10 weeks for a valid request to be fulfilled.
  • Thompson center serial number date serial#

  • Provide the type of firearm and any required serial numbers.
  • Complete the necessary information to start your rebate claim.
  • Wait for at least 8-10 weeks to receive a rebate card back in the mail.
  • Take the claims letter to the post office for mailing.
  • Address it to 100 Roosevelt Ave., Springfield, MA 01104.
  • Place the rebate coupon and documentation in an envelope.
  • Attach any required documentation, including proof of purchase.
  • thompson center serial number date

  • Complete the rebate coupon provided by the company.
  • We've outlined the complex process of claiming T/C rebates online and via a mail-in option to help you get the savings you deserve. After identifying available rebates, you still must master the claims process to successfully receive your rebate card. Step-By-Step Instructions for Claiming Thompson/Center Rebatesįinding Thompson/Center rebates on your own can be difficult.
  • Rebates cannot be combined with any additional promotions or discounts.
  • Submit your rebate claim before the deadline date provided by the manufacturer.
  • Be an individual end-user of the firearm rather than a reseller, group, business, organization, or government agency.
  • Provide valid and legible proofs of purchase.
  • You are legally able to own and possess a firearm.
  • Purchase a new firearm between the listed dates provided by the manufacturer.
  • Who is Eligible for Thompson/Center Rebates?Īlthough Thompson/Center is currently not offering rebates, based on past promotions, there are certain circumstances that purchasers must meet to claim a T/C rebate.
  • Ask your local gun shop or retailer about discounts or rebates.
  • Contact customer service at (833) 522-1129 and ask about available rebates.
  • Check the promotions page on T/C's website.
  • However, since Smith & Wesson decided to divest in the Thompson/Center brand, it's hard to find new rebates. If you are thinking about purchasing a new Thompson/Center rifle or pistol, you should search for available rebates before heading to your local gun shop or retailer. Find the Latest TC Venture Rebates and All Rebates from Thompson/Center

    thompson center serial number date

    DoNotPay is here to ensure you get the cashback you deserve for your expensive purchases by finding rebates for your qualifying purchases and claiming them on your behalf. We can help you receive savings with Thompson/Center rebates, new car rebates, Macy's rebates, and so much more. Since claiming rebates can be time-consuming and frustrating, many leave millions of unclaimed rebates on the table each year.

    thompson center serial number date

    Since many trust Thompson/Center for their firearm needs, finding Thompson/Center rebates allow hobbyists to save on their rifle and pistol purchases. Understanding what a rebate is and where to find them are the first steps to saving on your daily purchases. Hunting and shooting sports are popular but expensive hobbies and pastimes practiced by many men and women. Known as America's Master Gunmaker, Thompson/Center designs and manufactures firearms used by hunters and outdoorsmen across the country.

    thompson center serial number date

    Thompson center serial number date how to#

    Claim My Rebates Claim Thompson/Center Rebate In 3 Steps How to Claim Thompson/Center Rebates the Easy Way

    Thompson center serial number date